11 resources and tools that will help your team with remote work

Since the COVID-19 outbreak most of us have had to adapt to new remote work settings. Although remote work is nothing new, it is quite a struggle for companies that have not established processes to support it.

How the hell should they adapt so fast? It is not impossible yet it will require some fast decisions and might in the end have a positive impact in the long term on the company culture.

At Innential we have been big advocates of remote work since the very beginning and we thought to share a few productivity tools that we use daily in our team that can hopefully also help you.

💻 Tools we use at Innential:

Slack - day to day communication

Asana - project management and keeping everyone aligned

Google Drive - internal file sharing

Notion - wiki and notes

Miro - planning and collaboration (instead of sticky notes, consider it out whiteboard)

UXPin - wireframing

Whereby - internal video calls

Innential - day to day learning

📚 Here is also a short list of learning resources that we find really helpful especially for remote workers.

Remote-How - very interesting resources and programmes to learn how to become a remote team.

Buffer - Buffer is a remote only company of ~100 people. Definitely interesting to see how they do it.

Basecamp - this guys have been doing remote since a long time. All-in-all good resource to learn about remote company culture.

We hope that the list can help you out!

Until May 2020 we also offer Innential for free to help new teams to continue to learn and grow from any place they work. https://innential.com/ or contact kris@innential.com for more details